Wednesday, July 30, 2008



yes today.. tonight

i went to watch mamamia!.. ahaha.. and i tell u.. it is so so so funy.. ahaha.. i died laughing.. not coz like it;s a comedy but it;s just so so cheezy.. like to the max please.. cheezy with a capital C.. ahahahahaa.. if i had and bulu they will chang till all drop out!

anyways.. uni has started!.. and wow it is so exiting.. lolz.. this sems units are so much more exiting than the last semester;s but then like.. yea.. need to stop sleeping in class.. haha..

topic change!

on a more serious matter. this holiday have been great on me. i felt like i have been able to be closer and more on fire for god.. with that comes a feeling i cant really explain. many new challenges come. there is just so many things to do after uni starts that sometimes i just forget. but yes.. need to get back.. YA MAN!!..

chris out...

if you just realized what i just realized.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

At long last!

after many years.. chris goh the first.. decides to update his blog.. keke. oh gosh it has been a long time..

so wat to write.. hmm.. hols have been fun.. and a bit long.. keke.. had parents over for the first month.. and yea.. mr raj takar( my sis's bf officially moved in). hmm.. enuf said abt that.. besides that, lots of fun with parents around. keke.. cook for me clean for me.. and get new bed sheets.. i have like an african safari bedsheet now.. like.. what the hell?!(sara style)

topic change
it;s the start of the second week of orientation. haha.. again. chris has to face the challenge of approaching random people to tell them abt passion..and hopefully tell them the good news.. keke.. yes it;s all good.. keke.. met a few cool people. rejected many times. feels funny when u try to approach some1 and that some1 runs away.. runs!!.. keke.. but it;s all good.. all for god!.. amen?

end of post.. keke.. until i think of something to write..

love is a funny thing isn't it?.. heart itchy.. keke.. sorry for the randomness