Wednesday, May 28, 2008

revival is a choice

some say revival is coming to Australia, some say revival is coming to Perth. some say revival is coming to zion praise harvest. but revival isn't gonna come without us making it come. i think that many times we think that revival a prophecy that comes in time.. but no..

went out with some church people to talk on some things that we recieved on this awesome sunday. hahaha. this sunday, God spoke to us through an awesome speaker. Allehandro arias. how cool is that name?.. lolz.. anyways.. he was talking about revival happening and it was a prep for us, to tell us to be prepared and to go out and be the revival. revival isn't coming. we are the revival that needs to go out to the world.

Revival is not a phenomenon or a feeling, it is a choice.. so make the decision !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alejandro Arias i think is his name.

yeman...are you reviving?

"Revival - an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion "

I think the most easy word to describe revival is Passion, have the passion, have the revival.