Saturday, June 30, 2007

all the wrong things at the wrong time

sighs. I just don't know whats wrong with me. Everyone is like so worked up about the exams and all. It's not that i'm not. i really am. but i dont know why i'm not doing anything about it. i went out for band prac then i just reached home. everytime i look at my book i just feel so blur.

i dont know what i will do if i dont get into engineering next year. just thinking of it makes me so so very sad. haiz. i wish time will just freeze for a few weeks and let me catch up with it. i know i can do so much more.. so much better.. but i just cant concentrate. i'm just so lacking the motivation and i don't know what to do about it. sighs..



Unknown said...

just try your best dude...that's something you can what you can, and that's something you can positive..=) im seriously stressed out too...

C-Q-!-$ said...

haiz.. well. yea. i suppose.. heys.. good luck to you too.. :)

Anonymous said...

set a goal and work on it

I set a goal to beat someone, perhaps u can find a target to surprass too, it's a good way of self-motivating

amanda nicole said...

JIA YOU. soon enough it'll be my turn and youre in holidaying mood UNFAIR LA.

haha;D you can doit cmon, just another two more exams and youre done! HAVE FAITH.

C-Q-!-$ said...

thanks all..i really appreciate it.. ^^..wish my luck!.. 2 more papers.. phew..

Anonymous said...

aduh dun wory so much la,im trying to get into unsw.